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QRO Home Made Linear Amplifier
- Solid State HF Amplifier 16 MRF150 2.4-KWatt SOLID STATE QRO Amplifier 16 X MRF150
- G.G. A falcon (UA6CL) Amplifier with gu74b
- G.G. A falcon (UA6CL) Amplifier with gu78b
- AAG-BHPL Beautiful 4CX10000A Amplifier
- A. TARASOV (UT2FW) Amplifier with gu74b
- A. TARASOV (UT2FW) Amplifier with 2x gu74b
- V.Kotel'va (UA9FAD) EME 2 Meters 2x GU34B
- (UA1ZCL) EME 2 Meters GU35B
- (UA1OJ) 2 Meters GU7B
- OH3AWW Amp Linear amplifier 2 meter with gu84b
- W6SAI Linear amplifier 2 meter with 3cx1500
- DL4MEA Linear amplifier 2 meter with GS35b
- CLANK HF Linear amplifier with 2 3-500Z
- Amp hf 3000 WattAmplificatore lineare hf con Parallelo di 2 4CX800
- LA0BY Amplificatore lineare Vhf con Push pull 2 4CX250
- SM5BSZ Building High Power Amplifiers page
- How To Run Your (Tube Type - Ed.) Linear (975,720 bytes, PDF file)
QST November 1962, pp. 11-14
What it can do and what it shouldn't do.- A Single 6146 Amplifier (one 6146, 70-90 watts) (1,392,201 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1959, pp. 196-198- An All-Purpose 813 Amplifier (one 813) (1,244,174 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1959, pp. 199-201- A Medium-Power Tetrode Amplifier (one 7094) (1,224,597 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1959, pp. 202-204- A Compact 650-Watt Amplifier (two 4X250B) (2,091,734 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1959, pp. 205-209- 4-250-A's in a 1-Kw. Final (two 4-250A) (2,648,850 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1959, pp. 210-214- A High-Power grounded-Grid Amplifier and Power Supply (one 3-1000Z) (2,139,553 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1968, pp. 199-204- One-Band Kilowatt Amplifiers (two 813) (1,25/8,687 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1968, pp. 195-198- A Compact 3-400Z Grounded-Grid Amplifier (one 3-400Z) (1,308,857 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1968, pp. 191-194- An 811-A 200-Watt Grounded-Grid Linear Amplifier (one 811-A) (1,179,474 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1968, pp. 187-190- Using 2 3-500ZS In grounded Grid (1,351,014 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1971, pp. 201-204- A One-Kilowatt Amplifier Using A 3-500Z (675,237 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1972, pp. 182-186- The SS-2000 Amplifier (one 3-1000Z) (1,477,098 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1972, pp. 178-182- A Sweep-Tube Linear Amplifier (four 6KD6) (1,201,283 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1972, pp. 176-178- A 160-Meter Amplifier (two 572-B) (1,111,682 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1978, pp. 184-186- A Conduction-Cooled Two-Kilowatt Amplifier (two 8873) (1,943,097 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1978, pp. 186-190- A Two-Kilowatt Amplifier Using the Eimac 8877 Triode (one 8877 or 3CX1500) (2,080,841 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1978, pp. 190-195- 1500-W-Output Amplifier for 160 Meters (3CX1500A7) (1,450,439 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1990, pp. 30-46 to 30-49- A Legal-Limit Amplifier for 160 through 10 Meters (8877) (3,168,225 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1990, pp. 30-50 to 30-57- A 160- to 10-Meter Amplifier Using the 3CX1200A7 (2,080,071 bytes, PDF file)
ARRL Handbook 1990, pp. 30-58 to 30-63- The LKA-1 Linear Amplifier (two 4CX250B) (3,005,289 bytes, PDF file)
QST June 1975, pp. 39-43, 158- A Table-Top Half Kilowatt (two 811A) (3,111,439 bytes, PDF file)
QST January 1960, pp. 24-27, 156, 158- The RCC 230-L Amplifier (two 807s, 230 watts) (3,209,186 bytes, PDF file)
QST February 1963, pp. 29-32Commercial Schematics:
- Kenwood TL922 Kenwood TL922 shematics
- YAESU FL 2100 Yesu FL2100 shematics
Web Links:
- ESRC - Vacuum Tubes -- Electron Tubes -- Thermionic Valves
Bill, NJ7P Tube Data Searchable Database- Svetlana Products - tubes
Order vacuum tubes on-lineAmplificatori Lineari
I 5 U X J
QRO Home Made Linear Amplifier
- 4CX15000a 4CX15000
- 4CX10000d 4CX10000d
- 4CX10000J 4CX10000J
- GU36b GU36b
- GU84B GU84b
- GU74b 4CX800 GU74b
- GS35b HF GS35b
- 3cx1200a7 3cx1200a7
- 4cx600j 4CX600
- 4cx250b 4cx250b
- SK300a SK300 SK-300a
" i do not sell "
" non vendo niente "
only for information
Tube Type FRQ
(dissipation)P inp.
(W)P out. (W) Available Price $: (sending and taxes are included) GI-7B Ceramic-metal triode ?=10cm 350 1000 650 + 44 GI-15B Ceramic-metal triode ?=9cm 80 229 149 + 24 GI-21B Ceramic-metal triode ?=8.5cm 110 314 204 + 32 GS-15B Ceramic-metal tetrode ?=30cm 200 572 372 + 36 GS-35B Ceramic-metal triode 1000MHz 1500 4286 2786 + 189 GU-33B Glass-metal tetrode 500MHz 150 429 279 + 32 GU-34B Glass-metal tetrode 250MHz 650 1857 1207 + 49 GU-35B Glass-metal tetrode 250MHz 3500 10000 6500 + GU-43B Glass-metal tetrode 100MHz 1000 2857 1857 + 99 GU-47B Glass-metal tetrode 100MHz 6000 23143 17143 + GU-73B Ceramic-metal tetrode 250MHz 2500 7143 4643 + GU-74B
(4CX800A)Ceramic-metal tetrode 250MHz 600 1714 1114 + 69 GU-84B Ceramic-metal tetrode 250MHz 2500 7143 4643 - GU-91B
(4CX1600B)Ceramic-metal tetrode 250MHz 1600 4571 2971 - P.S. The efficiency of the tubes in class "AB1" -"AB2" are about 50% - 63% it depends on condition angle of the anode current. The choosing of the condition angle depends on other parameters and regimes of the tube and schematic of amplifier (grounded grid or grounded cathode and etc.)
Inviate i vostri commenti e le vostre richieste a:Alfredo Rosati
Page updated 02-02-2000
Amplificatori Lineari eb104 mrf150 solid state linear amplifierlinear amplifier hf amplificatori lineari hf home made qro con gs35b 3cx1200 3cx1500 8877 4cx250 4cx800 4cx250 gu74b gu36b gu84bAmplificatori Lineari eb104 mrf150 solid state linear amplifier 4cx250 linear amplifier hf amplificatori lineari hf home made qro con gu84b gu36b gs35b 3cx1200 3cx1500 8877 4cx250 4cx800 4cx250 linear amplifier hf amplificatori lineari hf home made qro con gu36b gu84b gs35b 3cx1200 3cx1500 8877 4cx250 4cx800 4cx250