PA on 144 MGts for communication(connection) through the moon.
The cascade is executed under the duple circuit on powerful tetrodes ÃÓ-34Á. The basic circuit is given on fig.
The pressure(voltage) of the swing through socket XS3 moves on a contour of communication(connection) L4. Capacity swing - up to 50 Vt. It is inductive connected contour L5 provides together with consistently included capacities shift of phases 180 ° and the coordination with target resistance of the driver. The design of a contour is given on fig.
Material aluminium, thickness of 5 mm. The anodi contour is formed by line L3 made of aluminium by thickness of 12 mm. Adjustment of a line is carried out by plate Z executed from dielektrika. Blocking capacities Ck Of 1 mm are made from bilateral steklotekstolita, the size 100Õ100 mm, thickness. Ru Pays off depending on type of used measuring head RA. All elements of fastening (bolts, nuts) should be brass. Balancing of the cascade is carried out nodstroechnymi by condensers in a circuit of a net line. The anodi line is produced with propilom about 24 mm and it(him) increase during adjustment. Throttle L1 consists of two consistently connected throttles L1.1 and L1.2. L1.1-standard, L1.2-8 coils on opravke, ô7 mm. Configuration of elements RA is given on fig.
V.Kotel'va (UA9FAD)