Much power in output but is demanded much pilotage;
this amplifier I have intensely used it for four months in 160, 80, 40 and 20 meters. Then I have constructed amplifier with 2 gu84b that only needs 70 watt of input and
prefer to use this. I prefer for such powers in output the TETRODE.
look my tetrode page home AMPLIFIER QRO
  • Wout= 6000 Watts

  • Va= 6000 Volts no load
  • Va= 5500 Full load

  • Ia= 2,2 Amp

  • Ig1=900 ma

  • Driver Power= 250 watt

  • Vg1= -33 Volt for 300 ma idling
      also being the equal tension to the maximum concurred in way pulse. Never they have not been noticed discharge in these tubes. Pear tree advises itself to only use these tensions after various days of use to low tensions
    being the tubes at least 10 years old.
    with the same driving power (250 watt) the output with two tube was 5500 watt output. i think that if you not want driver this amplifier with another amplifier, the right choice is to construct amplifier with only two tubes .

  • Considerazioni sulle GS35B

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    Inviate i vostri commenti e le vostre richieste a:Alfredo Rosati Contatto con il sysopalfredo@cln.it

    Page updated 02-02-2000
    amplificatori lineari hf home made con 4cx800 gu74b 3cx1200a7 gs35b 4cx250 gu84b
    per ulteriori informazioni e schemi di montaggio scrivere via email ad alfredo@cln.it

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